Alexander G.Ramm
Kansas State University, USA
Title: Wave scattering by many small particles and applications
Biography: Alexander G.Ramm
The theory of wave scattering by many small impedance particles of arbitrary shapes is developed. The basic assumptions are: a d λ, where a is the characteristic size of particles, d is the smallestdistance between the neighboring particles, λ is the wavelength.This theory allows one to give a recipe for creating materials witha desired refraction coefficient.
One can create material with negative refraction: the group velocity in this material is directed opposite to the phase velocity.One can create a material with a desired wave focusing property.Quantum-mechanical scattering by many potentials with smallsupports is considered.The theory presented in this talk is developed in [1]-[9].Practical realizations of this theory are discussed in [9].In [9] the problem of creating material with a desired refractioncoefficient is discussed in the case when the material is located inside a bounded closed connected surface on which the Dirichlet boundary condition is imposed.