Nano science

Nanoscale structures have existed in nature long before scientists began studying them in laboratories. A single strand of DNA, the building block of all living things, is about three nanometers wide. The scales on a morpho butterfly’s wings contain nanostructures that change the way light waves interact with each other, giving the wings brilliant metallic blue and green hues. Peacock feathers and soap bubbles also get their iridescent coloration from light interacting with structures just tens of nanometers thick. Scientists have even created nanostructures in the laboratory that mimic some of nature’s amazing nanostructures

  • Carbon Nanostructures
  • Nanomechanics
  • Nanoparticles
  • Biophysics
  • Nanomedicine for other disease

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40th International Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology

Zurich, Switzerland
December 02-03, 2024

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Prague, Czech Republic
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8th International Conference on Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology

Singapore City, Singapore
April 14-15, 2025

37th Nano Congress for Future Advancements

Aix-en-Provence, France
June 16-17, 2025

42nd Global Nanotechnology Congress

Amsterdam, Netherlands

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